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rdklein PoC Veteran Admin

Joined: 06 Aug 2002 Posts: 5299 Location: Germany
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:09 am Post subject: new forum system |
We plan to use a different forum system in the near future, to reallow a more easy user registration, as this one is heavyly attacked by robots.
I think we can then keep a link to the old forum so all articles are there but read only, and continue in the new forum system (hopefully better).
feel free to discuss and sugestions are welcome also. |
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jos van oostakker PoC Visitor Unlicensed
Joined: 19 Jul 2010 Posts: 1 Location: gent
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:07 am Post subject: Problems with my POC 3 D sim |
I still am not able to have full operation of my poc game .
I have the 3Dsim working but each time i get "Stop engine - your ship is in at the berth - I push enter to stop the engine = > No reaction => ALT N ( new game) or ALT F4 ( quit the game) to stop the game .
The result is no status evaluation, but the answer " Why did you quit - tugboats xxxxxxxx USD "
The result is no Hall of fame and each time I want to buy a new ship I have to go to "Low cost ship's " with status 0 or status 2
I asked already several times for help but nobody answer me
I am ship's owner with 15 ship's and status 4 at the moment ; I feel really frustrated after all this years of playing
My only remark about our similator
Please keep real model of ships - we have f.e. Redina which is a monster of a ship - To unrealistic to keep your longship axe .
Is a great step forward that now the ports are really realistic
Perhaps now some more parameters of wind and tide to make it more realistic
How many intenral memory need my PC to run 3D sim III - I have 6 GB (3x2Gb) Do I need more to solve the problem ?
Please your answer because I really want now with the new PC play may game as planned .
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Christian Todt PoC Veteran Platinum Licensee

Joined: 21 Mar 2003 Posts: 1057 Location: Hamburg, Germany
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:24 pm Post subject: |
hello mr. van oostakker,
i think the right key to stop the engine is either pos1 or end -one of the two.
I remember having had the same problem some time ago
but rdklein did a patch and since then the game worked fine.
the explanation for this were a too small area for the ship to berth,
so maybe rdklen can check again.
best regards from hamburg,
Christian Todt _________________ Navigare neccesse est |
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JimmyJump PoC Frequent Visitor Unlicensed

Joined: 09 Sep 2010 Posts: 12 Location: Port of Antwerp, Belgium
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:59 pm Post subject: |
To stop the engine you have to use the "arrow down" button and put the throttle in neutral.
The 'end' button puts every lever back in neutral, whatever position they may have had.
The 'home' button puts the rudder in neutral, the combination 'ctrl', 'shift' with 'home' puts the bow & stern engines in neutral (shift/home for 'stern', ctrl/home for 'bow').
In Flemish/In't Vlaams: om de motor af te zetten gebruik je normaal de pijltjestoets "neer" todat de gashendel in 'neutraal' staat. wanneer je niet zeker bent, hou de schoorsteen van het schip in de gaten: daar komt namelijk geen smoor meer uit wanneer de motor af staat...
De 'end' toets zet alle hendels automatish naar neutraal, in welke positie ze ook mogen gestaan hebben...
De 'Home' toets zet het roer in neutraal, de combinatie 'ctrl', 'shift' en 'home' zet boeg- en achterschroef in neutraal. (shift/home voor achteraan, ctrl/home voor de boeg).  _________________ The exception doesn't confirm the rule.
The exception only confirms that the rule is redundant.
JimmyJump |
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Jochen PoC Regular Unlicensed

Joined: 10 Apr 2003 Posts: 40 Location: Bayern / Germany
Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 1:46 pm Post subject: Forum Bilder (extern) verlinken? |
Hallo zusammen,
Die Beiträge sind ja teilweise schon einige Jahre alt, nur
wie siehet es da mal aus das man auch mal ohne nur zu Verlinken Grafiken (Bilder) gleich direkt mit in den Beitrag mit einbinden kann?
Denn ich finde es (inzwischen) sehr unpraktisch das man dann auf den Grafiklink klicken muß um die Grafik angezeigt zu bekommen
Also ich finde da sollte mal ein Update gemacht werden, damit auch dieses dann möglich ist! Es gibt Tonneweise Foren ++ wo das möglich ist!
Denn hier geht ja nur Text + Links, mehr ist nicht möglich
Bitte Bitte Bitte mal Updaten und den Benutzerkomfort etwas steigern
Könnte doch sicher nicht schaden, oder ???
Alles Gute und bleibt gesund! _________________ Röchtschoibfähler dürfen behalten werden
First PoC was German, please accept German
lot's of fun
My english is bad, so sorry for german
Jochen |
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Bernd Gabriel PoC Frequent Visitor Gold Licensee

Joined: 20 Jun 2010 Posts: 9 Location: Germany
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 12:21 pm Post subject: |
Ob sich eine Modernisierung des Forums für 2-3 Posts pro Jahr wohl lohnt?
Ich würde mich viel mehr über eine moderniserte Windows-Version des POC XXL freuen. Auf einem modernen 4K-Monitor ist das knapp 800x600 große Fenster kaum noch wiederzufinden. |
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Christian Todt PoC Veteran Platinum Licensee

Joined: 21 Mar 2003 Posts: 1057 Location: Hamburg, Germany
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 9:16 pm Post subject: |
Leider ist es wirklich sehr still hier -
liegt aber wahrscheinlich auch daran, dass es um das Spiel so still geworden ist.
Eine Modernisierung des Spiels - zumindest im Hinblick auf die Auflösung wäre wirklich schön, da kann ich dir nur zustimmen.
Gruß aus Hamburg,
Christian _________________ Navigare neccesse est |
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